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Part I. Fundamentals of Stream Processing with Apache Spark

1. Introducing Stream Processing

What Is Stream Processing?

Batch Versus Stream Processing

The Notion of Time in Stream Processing

The Factor of Uncertainty

Some Examples of Stream Processing

Scaling Up Data Processing


The Lesson Learned: Scalability and Fault Tolerance

Distributed Stream Processing

Stateful Stream Processing in a Distributed System

Introducing Apache Spark

The First Wave: Functional APIs

The Second Wave: SQL

A Unified Engine

Spark Components

Spark Streaming

Structured Streaming

Where Next?

2. Stream-Processing Model

Sources and Sinks

Immutable Streams Defined from One Another

Transformations and Aggregations

Window Aggregations

Tumbling Windows

Sliding Windows

Stateless and Stateful Processing

Stateful Streams

An Example: Local Stateful Computation in Scala

A Stateless Definition of the Fibonacci Sequence as a Stream


Stateless or Stateful Streaming

The Effect of Time

Computing on Timestamped Events

Timestamps as the Provider of the Notion of Time

Event Time Versus Processing Time

Computing with a Watermark


3. Streaming Architectures

Components of a Data Platform

Architectural Models

The Use of a Batch-Processing Component in a Streaming Application

Referential Streaming Architectures

The Lambda Architecture

The Kappa Architecture

Streaming Versus Batch Algorithms

Streaming Algorithms Are Sometimes Completely Different in Nature

Streaming Algorithms Can’t Be Guaranteed to Measure Well Against

Batch Algorithms


4. Apache Spark as a Stream-Processing Engine

The Tale of Two APIs

Spark’s Memory Usage

Failure Recovery

Lazy Evaluation

Cache Hints

Understanding Latency

Throughput-Oriented Processing

Spark’s Polyglot API

Fast Implementation of Data Analysis 50

To Learn More About Spark 51

Summary 51

5. Spark’s Distributed Processing Model

Running Apache Spark with a Cluster Manager

Examples of Cluster Managers

Spark’s Own Cluster Manager

Understanding Resilience and Fault Tolerance in a Distributed System

Fault Recovery

Cluster Manager Support for Fault Tolerance

Data Delivery Semantics

Microbatching and One-Element-at-a-Time

Microbatching: An Application of Bulk-Synchronous Processing

One-Record-at-a-Time Processing

Microbatching Versus One-at-a-Time: The Trade-Offs

Bringing Microbatch and One-Record-at-a-Time Closer Together

Dynamic Batch Interval

Structured Streaming Processing Model

The Disappearance of the Batch Interval

6. Spark’s Resilience Model

Resilient Distributed Datasets in Spark

Spark Components

Spark’s Fault-Tolerance Guarantees

Task Failure Recovery

Stage Failure Recovery

Driver Failure Recovery


Part II. Structured Streaming

7. Introducing Structured Streaming

First Steps with Structured Streaming

Batch Analytics

Streaming Analytics

Connecting to a Stream

Preparing the Data in the Stream

Operations on Streaming Dataset

Creating a Query

Start the Stream Processing

Exploring the Data


8. The Structured Streaming Programming Model

Initializing Spark

Sources: Acquiring Streaming Data

Available Sources

Transforming Streaming Data

Streaming API Restrictions on the DataFrame API

Sinks: Output the Resulting Data









9. Structured Streaming in Action

Consuming a Streaming Source

Application Logic

Writing to a Streaming Sink


10. Structured Streaming Sources

Understanding Sources

Reliable Sources Must Be Replayable

Sources Must Provide a Schema

Available Sources

The File Source

Specifying a File Format

Common Options

Common Text Parsing Options (CSV, JSON)

JSON File Source Format

CSV File Source Format

Parquet File Source Format

Text File Source Format

The Kafka Source

Setting Up a Kafka Source

Selecting a Topic Subscription Method

Configuring Kafka Source Options

Kafka Consumer Options

The Socket Source



The Rate Source


11. Structured Streaming Sinks

Understanding Sinks

Available Sinks

Reliable Sinks

Sinks for Experimentation

The Sink API

Exploring Sinks in Detail

The File Sink

Using Triggers with the File Sink

Common Configuration Options Across All Supported File Formats

Common Time and Date Formatting (CSV, JSON)

The CSV Format of the File Sink

The JSON File Sink Format

The Parquet File Sink Format

The Text File Sink Format

The Kafka Sink

Understanding the Kafka Publish Model

Using the Kafka Sink

The Memory Sink

Output Modes

The Console Sink


Output Modes

The Foreach Sink

The ForeachWriter Interface

TCP Writer Sink: A Practical ForeachWriter Example

The Moral of this Example

Troubleshooting ForeachWriter Serialization Issues

12. Event Time–Based Stream Processing

Understanding Event Time in Structured Streaming

Using Event Time

Processing Time


Time-Based Window Aggregations

Defining Time-Based Windows

Understanding How Intervals Are Computed

Using Composite Aggregation Keys

Tumbling and Sliding Windows

Record Deduplication


13. Advanced Stateful Operations

Example: Car Fleet Management

Understanding Group with State Operations

Internal State Flow

Using MapGroupsWithState

Using FlatMapGroupsWithState

Output Modes

Managing State Over Time


14. Monitoring Structured Streaming Applications

The Spark Metrics Subsystem

Structured Streaming Metrics

The StreamingQuery Instance

Getting Metrics with StreamingQueryProgress

The StreamingQueryListener Interface

Implementing a StreamingQueryListener

15. Experimental Areas: Continuous Processing and Machine Learning

Continuous Processing

Understanding Continuous Processing

Using Continuous Processing


Machine Learning

Learning Versus Exploiting

Applying a Machine Learning Model to a Stream

Example: Estimating Room Occupancy by Using Ambient Sensors

Online Training

Part III. Spark Streaming

16. Introducing Spark Streaming

The DStream Abstraction

DStreams as a Programming Model

DStreams as an Execution Model

The Structure of a Spark Streaming Application

Creating the Spark Streaming Context

Defining a DStream

Defining Output Operations

Starting the Spark Streaming Context

Stopping the Streaming Process


17. The Spark Streaming Programming Model

RDDs as the Underlying Abstraction for DStreams

Understanding DStream Transformations

Element-Centric DStream Transformations

RDD-Centric DStream Transformations


Structure-Changing Transformations


18. The Spark Streaming Execution Model

The Bulk-Synchronous Architecture

The Receiver Model

The Receiver API

How Receivers Work

The Receiver’s Data Flow

The Internal Data Resilience

Receiver Parallelism

Balancing Resources: Receivers Versus Processing Cores

Achieving Zero Data Loss with the Write-Ahead Log

The Receiverless or Direct Model


19. Spark Streaming Sources

Types of Sources

Basic Sources

Receiver-Based Sources

Direct Sources

Commonly Used Sources

The File Source

How It Works

The Queue Source

How It Works

Using a Queue Source for Unit Testing

A Simpler Alternative to the Queue Source: The ConstantInputDStream

The Socket Source

How It Works

The Kafka Source

Using the Kafka Source

How It Works

Where to Find More Sources

20. Spark Streaming Sinks

Output Operations

Built-In Output Operations




Using foreachRDD as a Programmable Sink

Third-Party Output Operations

21. Time-Based Stream Processing

Window Aggregations

Tumbling Windows

Window Length Versus Batch Interval

Sliding Windows

Sliding Windows Versus Batch Interval

Sliding Windows Versus Tumbling Windows

Using Windows Versus Longer Batch Intervals

Window Reductions





Invertible Window Aggregations

Slicing Streams


22. Arbitrary Stateful Streaming Computation

Statefulness at the Scale of a Stream


Limitation of updateStateByKey


Memory Usage

Introducing Stateful Computation with mapwithState

Using mapWithState

Event-Time Stream Computation Using mapWithState

23. Working with Spark SQL

Spark SQL

Accessing Spark SQL Functions from Spark Streaming

Example: Writing Streaming Data to Parquet

Dealing with Data at Rest

Using Join to Enrich the Input Stream

Join Optimizations

Updating Reference Datasets in a Streaming Application

Enhancing Our Example with a Reference Dataset


24. Checkpointing

Understanding the Use of Checkpoints

Checkpointing DStreams

Recovery from a Checkpoint


The Cost of Checkpointing

Checkpoint Tuning

25. Monitoring Spark Streaming

The Streaming UI

Understanding Job Performance Using the Streaming UI

Input Rate Chart

Scheduling Delay Chart

Processing Time Chart

Total Delay Chart

Batch Details

The Monitoring REST API

Using the Monitoring REST API

Information Exposed by the Monitoring REST API

The Metrics Subsystem

The Internal Event Bus

Interacting with the Event Bus


26. Performance Tuning

The Performance Balance of Spark Streaming

The Relationship Between Batch Interval and Processing Delay

The Last Moments of a Failing Job

Going Deeper: Scheduling Delay and Processing Delay

Checkpoint Influence in Processing Time

External Factors that Influence the Job’s Performance

How to Improve Performance?

Tweaking the Batch Interval

Limiting the Data Ingress with Fixed-Rate Throttling


Dynamic Throttling

Tuning the Backpressure PID

Custom Rate Estimator

A Note on Alternative Dynamic Handling Strategies


Speculative Execution

Part IV. Advanced Spark Streaming Techniques

27. Streaming Approximation and Sampling Algorithms

Exactness, Real Time, and Big Data


Real-Time Processing

Big Data

The Exactness, Real-Time, and Big Data triangle

Big Data and Real Time

Approximation Algorithms

Hashing and Sketching: An Introduction

Counting Distinct Elements: HyperLogLog

Role-Playing Exercise: If We Were a System Administrator

Practical HyperLogLog in Spark

Counting Element Frequency: Count Min Sketches

Introducing Bloom Filters

Bloom Filters with Spark

Computing Frequencies with a Count-Min Sketch

Ranks and Quantiles: T-Digest

T-Digest in Spark

Reducing the Number of Elements: Sampling

Random Sampling

Stratified Sampling

28. Real-Time Machine Learning

Streaming Classification with Naive Bayes

streamDM Introduction

Naive Bayes in Practice

Training a Movie Review Classifier

Introducing Decision Trees

Hoeffding Trees

Hoeffding Trees in Spark, in Practice

Streaming Clustering with Online K-Means

K-Means Clustering

Online Data and K-Means

The Problem of Decaying Clusters

Streaming K-Means with Spark Streaming

Part V. Beyond Apache Spark

29. Other Distributed Real-Time Stream Processing Systems

Apache Storm

Processing Model

The Storm Topology

The Storm Cluster

Compared to Spark

Apache Flink

A Streaming-First Framework

Compared to Spark

Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams Programming Model

Compared to Spark

In the Cloud

Amazon Kinesis on AWS

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics

Apache Beam/Google Cloud Dataflow

30. Looking Ahead

Stay Plugged In

Seek Help on Stack Overflow

Start Discussions on the Mailing Lists

Attend Conferences

Attend Meetups

Read Books

Contributing to the Apache Spark Project

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Spark Core之Shuffle解析













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